Document written by Jorrit Tyberghein ( (note, this text must be read with tabsize 8 and a fixed width font). This document contains two parts. The first part explains how the ORIG/FIRST/SECOND commands are used (in the world file) to map a texture on a polygon. The second part is more technical and explains how the texture mapper works mathematically. ============= | Section 1 | ============= The ORIG/FIRST/SECOND vertex describe the texture plane. What CS does internally is to create a transformation matrix/vector which translates object space (3D coordinates) to texture space (UV coordinates). Here is how this works: First a few definitions: ORIG vector: Vo FIRST vector: V1 SECOND vector: V2 FIRST_LEN: len1 SECOND_LEN: len2 Length of V1-Vo: l1 Length of V2-Vo: l2 Vo, V1, and V2 are vertices in object space. These define the local coordinate system for texture space. So we have the following mapping: Vo -> (0,0) V1 -> (len1,0) V2 -> (0,len2) It is important to realize that the coordinate (0,0) in texture space is the top-left coordinate of the texture and (1,1) is the bottom-right corner. The coordinate (2,2) is thus the bottom-right corner of a tiled texture (2x2 times). The conversion to the matrix happens as follows: Vu = (len1 / l1) * (V1-Vo) Vv = (len2 / l2) * (V2-Vo) / Vu.x Vv.x 1 \ Mot = | Vu.y Vv.y 1 | \ Vu.z Vv.z 1 / (The last column represents the W texture component which is not used). Vot = < Vo.x Vo.y Vo.z > So Mot and Vot are the transformation matrix/vector to go from object to texture space. Use these as follows: T = Mot * (O - Vot) with O being the object space vector that you want to convert and T the texture space vector. Only the x and y components are used of T. 'x' represents U and 'y' represents V. Using the last equation you can convert every point of your polygon to texture space. ============= | Section 2 | ============= This document explains the formulas that are used to perform texture mapping for a polygon. This text assumes that you have read document.txt and cam_matr.txt (or at least looked at them). document.txt describes how Crystal Space uses portals and also describes the different coordinate spaces that are used. cam_matr.txt describes matrices and matrix transformations and how those are used inside Crystal Space. Conventions ----------- - P denotes a polygon in some space. Pw (for example) is a polygon in world space coordinates. The other spaces are 'o' for object space, 'c' for camera space, 't' for texture space, and 's' for screen space. - V denotes a vertex in 3D. Vw is a vertex in world space. - M denotes a matrix transforming space from to . For example, Mow is a matrix transforming space from object to world. All M are 3x3 matrices. - V denotes the corresponding vector transforming space from to . - N denotes a plane normal vector (A,B,C) in some space. - V.x, V.y, and V.z are the respective x, y, and z components of a vector (for example, Vw.y is the y component of a vector in world space). - Vt.u, and Vt.v are the respective u, and v components of a vector (in texture space). Polygon ------- A polygon is represented as a set of 3D vertices oriented in clockwise order (if the orientation is different, the polygon is not visible on screen). There are three versions of any polygon: 1. Po: the polygon in object space. Here, the vertices of the polygon are given in object space coordinates (see document.txt for an explanation of what object space, world space, ... mean). 2. Pw: the polygon in world space. For a sector world space is equal to object space but for a thing there is a transformation from object space to world space given as: Vw = Mow * Vo - Vow (meaning: the vertex in world space coordinates (Vw) is given as the vertex in object space coordinates (Vo) transformed by the matrix from object to world space (Mow) and the vector from object to world space (Vow)) This transformation is recomputed whenever a thing moves. 3. Pc: the polygon in camera space. Before viewing, every relevant vertex is transformed from world space to camera space using the following equation: Vc = Mwc * (Vw - Vwc) Note, all these three versions of a polygon are represented by the same Polygon3D object. The change from object to world and world to camera space happens inside the Vertex class that is referenced by Polygon3D. Associated with every polygon there is also a plane normal or plane equation: N: A*x + B*y + C*z + D = 0 There are also three versions of this plane equation (one for object space, one for world space, and one for camera space): No: Ao*x + Bo*y + Co*z + Do = 0 Nw: Aw*x + Bw*y + Cw*z + Dw = 0 Nc: Ac*x + Bc*y + Cc*z + Dc = 0 Camera ------ A camera is represented as a matrix (Mwc) and a vector (Vwc). In fact the camera describes the transformation between world and camera space. The inverse transformation (Mcw) from camera space to world space is also kept inside a Camera object because it can be used for movement (for example, to move forward one would want to move forward along the Z axis in camera space and not in world space). Texture ------- There is also a texture associated with every polygon (unless it is a portal with no transparent overlay). The texture represents a 2 dimensional rectangular space where (0,0) is one corner of the texture and (1,1) is the opposite corner. If a texture is overlayed onto a rectangular polygon such that one corner is mapped onto (0,0) in texture space and the opposite corner is mapped onto (2,2) then the texture will be tiled four times across the surface of the polygon. To transform object to texture space we have the following equation: Vt = Mot * (Vo - Vot) similarly for world space: Vt = Mwt * (Vw - Vwt) and for camera space: Vt = Mct * (Vc - Vct) So, just as there are three versions of the polygon (Po, Pw, and Pc) and three plane equations, we also have three equations transforming the various spaces to the texture. Mot and Vot (object to texture space) are fixed (calculated at load time). Mwt and Vwt (world to texture space) are the same for sectors but for things they are calculated whenever a thing moves. Mct and Vct (camera to texture space) are calculated every time the corresponding polygon is visible and needs to be drawn on screen. Note that the texture transformation matrix is actually a transformation from 3D to 3D. We simply don't use the Z component in texture space (it is just ignored). Perspective correction ---------------------- Objects in camera space are still 3D and thus not suited for immediate display on a 2 dimensional screen. Therefore you still need to do perspective correction as follows: F * Vc.x x = --------------- Vc.z F * Vc.y y = --------------- Vc.z (x,y) are then the 2 dimensional coordinates corresponding to the 3D vertex (lets call this 2D vector Vs). F is some factor needed to get a correct Field Of Vision (FOV). Crystal Space currently uses the height of the display (in pixels) for this. You can experiment with other values using the -fov commandline option or use the 'f'/shf-'f' keys while the program is running. Bringing It All Together ------------------------ Using all this information we have enough to correctly map a texture on screen. Let's disregard clipping for the moment and just explain all the steps from the original object space polygon until the final texture mapped polygon on screen. We will assume that the polygon (and the texture) has already been transformed from object to world space. So we start with a world space polygon: Pw. First all vertices of the polygon are transformed to camera space (note that in Crystal Space this is done earlier since vertices are shared for one sector. This text ignores that and just concentrates on one polygon) with the equation: Vc = Mwc * (Vw - Vwc) (Also note that at this point you could discard vertices because they are behind the view plane (or Z=0). We assume here that the polygon is completely visible so this does not matter) At this point we do perspective correction on the polygon. This means that we create a new 2 dimensional polygon with vertices Vs (screen space) using the following equations: F * Vc.x Vs.x = --------------- Vc.z F * Vc.y Vs.y = --------------- Vc.z Now we create the matrix to transform camera space to texture space starting from the matrix to transform world space to texture space. Given: Vc = Mwc * (Vw - Vwc) we calculate (using the inverse matrix of Mwc): Mcw * Vc + Vwc = Vw (1) Given also: Vt = Mwt * (Vw - Vwt) (2) we substitute (1) in (2): Vt = Mwt * (Mcw * Vc + Vwc - Vwt) this can also be written as: Vt = Mwt * (Mcw * Vc + Mcw * Mwc * (Vwc - Vwt)) and: Vt = Mwt * Mcw * (Vc + Mwc * (Vwc - Vwt)) if we say that: Mct = Mwt * Mcw Vct = Mwc * (Vwt - Vwc) we get: Vt = Mct * (Vc - Vct) and this is the equation transforming camera space to texture space. Then we need to transform the world space plane equation to a camera space plane equation. This we do as follows: The plane vector Nw = (Aw,Bw,Cw) is transformed to Nc = (Ac,Bc,Cc) using the following equation: Nc = Mwc * Nw Using the first vertex of the polygon in camera space coordinates (Vc) we then calculate Dc as follows: Since the plane equation in camera space is equal to: Ac * Vc.x + Bc * Vc.y + Cc * Vc.z + Dc = 0 (for every vertex Vc on the polygon) we can calculate the missing Dc as follows: Dc = -Ac * Vc.x - Bc * Vc.y - Cc * Vc.z Using this information (the polygon in perspective corrected 2D coordinates, the transformation from camera space to texture space and the plane equation in camera space) we can draw the polygon on the screen and perform correct texture mapping. This happens as follows: From the perspective correction equations: F * Vc.x Vs.x = --------------- Vc.z F * Vc.y Vs.y = --------------- Vc.z we can invert them to: Vs.x * Vc.z Vc.x = ----------------- (1) F Vs.y * Vc.z Vc.y = ----------------- (2) F we can now substiture (1) and (2) into the following equation: Ac * Vc.x + Bc * Vc.y + Cc * Vc.z + Dc = 0 and get: Ac * Vs.x * Vc.z Bc * Vs.y * Vc.z F * Cc * Vc.z ---------------- + ---------------- + ------------- = -Dc F F F or: Ac * Vs.x Bc * Vs.y Cc 1 - --------- - --------- - ------ = ------ F*Dc F*Dc F*Dc Vc.z This equation is very important. From this it follows that 1/z linear is in screen space and this can be used for perspective correct texture mapping. Lets define the following three new variables: -Ac M = ------------- F * Dc -Bc N = ------------- F * Dc -Cc O = ------------- Dc So the 1/z equation in linear screen space is then written as: 1 ------ = M * Vs.x + N * Vs.y + O (3) Vc.z So now we can easily calculate 1/z at every point in screen space. But we also need to calculate the texture coordinates (u,v) or Vt. Lets call the individual fields of the transformation matrix Mct as follows: / m11 m12 m13 \ Mct = | m21 m22 m23 | Vct = (v1 v2 v3) \ m31 m32 m33 / For simplicity lets use u for Vt.u and v for Vt.v (the (u,v) texture coordinates). Let us also use x, y, and z for Vc.x, Vc.y, Vc.z respectively. Then from: Vt = Mct * (Vc - Vct) we get: u = m11 * (x-v1) + m12 * (y-v2) + m13 * (z-v3) v = m21 * (x-v1) + m22 * (y-v2) + m23 * (z-v3) This can be rewritten as: u = m11 * x + m12 * y + m13 * z - (m11*v1+m12*v2+m13*v3) v = m21 * x + m22 * y + m23 * z - (m21*v1+m22*v2+m23*v3) Lets call: P = - (m11*v1+m12*v2+m13*v3) Q = - (m21*v1+m22*v2+m23*v3) and we have: u = m11 * x + m12 * y + m13 * z + P v = m21 * x + m22 * y + m23 * z + Q Like before we substitute the inverse perspective correction equations (1) and (2) into the previous equations and we get: m11 * Vs.x * z m12 * Vs.y * z u = -------------- + -------------- + m13 * z + P F F m21 * Vs.x * z m22 * Vs.y * z v = -------------- + -------------- + m23 * z + Q F F Rewrite as: u m11 * Vs.x m12 * Vs.y P --- = ---------- + ---------- + m13 + --- z F F z v m21 * Vs.x m22 * Vs.y Q --- = ---------- + ---------- + m23 + --- z F F z Substitute the linear 1/z equation (3) into this: u m11 * Vs.x m12 * Vs.y --- = ---------- + ---------- + m13 + P * (M * Vs.x + N * Vs.y + O) z F F v m21 * Vs.x m22 * Vs.y --- = ---------- + ---------- + m23 + Q * (M * Vs.x + N * Vs.y + O) z F F Rewrite as: u m11 * Vs.x + m12 * Vs.y + F*(m13 + P*(M*Vs.x + N*Vs.y + O) --- = ---------------------------------------------------------- z F v m21 * Vs.x + m22 * Vs.y + F*(m23 + Q*(M*Vs.x + N*Vs.y + O) --- = ---------------------------------------------------------- z F Again rewrite: u --- = (m11/F + P*M) * Vs.x + (m12/F + P*N) * Vs.y + (m13 + P*O) z v --- = (m21/F + Q*M) * Vs.x + (m22/F + Q*N) * Vs.y + (m23 + Q*O) z These are again two important equations because they state that u/z and v/z are also linear in screen space. Using this we can easily calculate (u,v) at every screen space point. Lets call: J1 = m11/F + P*M J2 = m12/F + P*N J3 = m13 + P*O K1 = m21/F + Q*M K2 = m22/F + Q*N K3 = m23 + Q*O Then we have the following three equations: 1 --- = M * Vs.x + N * Vs.y + O z u --- = J1 * Vs.x + J2 * Vs.y + J3 z v --- = K1 * Vs.x + K2 * Vs.y + K3 z With these three important equations we can do all texture mapping we want. With the first equation we can calculate 1/z. This is useful for Z-buffering and also for calculating (u,v) from the two other equations.