Segments and Offsets -------------------- by: Milo Sedlacek So here's how segments and offsets work. U have 2 things, a segment, and an offset. Each is 16 bits in size, that means it can hold a value from 0-65535. Back in the heyday of the Commodore 64, (which had 64k of RAM), a single 16 bit address could put you anywhere in memory. But with the 8086 which had 1 meg, you could't do that with 16 bits! 'An the engineers didn't wanna do it with 32 bits, 'cuz that would waste space. So they decided to invent a curse called segments and offsets. The CURSE goes like this: In order to calculate an actual address, multiply the segment by 16 and add the offset. address = segment * 16 + offset And with that scheme, programmers could access 1 meg! Whoopie eh? There I explained it. Sorry about my mood and writing style today. And who was it that didn't like my base 3 tutorial? Huh???