'=============================================================== ' A F l i b 2 W e l c o m e P r o g r a m '=============================================================== 'This program in AFlib2 presents to you some of the absolutely 'amazing powers that this library in FreeBASIC can harness!!! ' 'Enjoy!!! ^_-=b ! ' ' ' - Adigun Azikiwe Polack ' One of the Founders of Aura Flow ' Developer of "AFlib2 - Aura Flow Library 2" Option Explicit ' First, we rev up AFlib2!!! '--------------------------------------------------------------- '$include: 'AFlib2.bi' ' Next, we set up our arrays! '--------------------------------------------------------------- Dim as Integer GFX.Width, GFX.Height, Lightctrl, In_and_out Dim as ImageType AFlib2pic ' Now, setting up the graphics mode to a 320x200 resolution, ' 256 colors (8-bit), fullscreen, with 2 pages!! '--------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenRes 320, 200, 8, 2, 1 ' Let's extract the exact size of the screen resolution (using ' ScreenInfo), and get rid of that mouse pointer too! ^-^ '--------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenInfo GFX.Width, GFX.Height SetMouse , , 0 ' Setting the work page to Page 1, with the display page set to ' Page 0 (which is gonna be the screen we can see out of! ). '--------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenSet 1, 0 ' Initializing and loading up our BMP file here, with the ' *exact* size coordinates of the picture within this file ' indeed! '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.InitSpr_BMP AFlib2pic, 160, 92, "AFlib2_mini.bmp" ' Setting up our starfield, in just ONE line!! ^_- '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.StarInit 300 Lightctrl = 0 In_and_out = 0 ' Now, we display/move our starfield and show our .BMP image ' flawlessly, with custom fading of the picture itself upon ' startup and exit. It is all done in a Do-Loop pattern here. ' You can exit this test with the "ESC" key. ' ^^ '--------------------------------------------------------------- Do ' Since all the blitting is being drawn on Page 1 (our work ' page), we first clear the screen to the color 0 with the ' "AF2.ClearScreen" command here before doing anything else in ' the loop. Like drawing in animation frames here, you know? '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.ClearScreen 0 ' Let's get the starfield into display and moving to the left ' now! '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.StarMotion 300, 1, 0 AF2.StarMove 300, AF2.Left, 5 ' Blitting our pic, with custom fades built in!! '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.SprBlit_brightness 0, 40, Lightctrl, @AFlib2pic.p_data[AFlib2pic.p_dataindex[1]], GFX.Width, GFX.Height Locate 1, 1: ? "Welcome to AFlib2!!!" ' Now comes the REAL magic here: we turn an ordinary 320x200 ' graphics mode into a 160x200 MODE IN 256 COLORS, using the ' command "AF2.LowRes_horiz"!!! (^-^)// '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.LowRes_horiz ' Setting our custom sync to the potential of 60fps average with ' "AF2.CustomSync 3"! '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.CustomSync 3 ' We zap the contents of what we drawn into our display page ' (Page 0), using "ScreenCopy"!! '--------------------------------------------------------------- ScreenCopy ' Waiting for the user to press the "ESC" key.... '--------------------------------------------------------------- If inkey$ = Chr$(27) then In_and_out = 1 ' This is our If-Then loop, where it is in position for our main ' Do-Loop pattern to be exited upon the user pressing the "ESC" ' key and our main pic fading out after that! '--------------------------------------------------------------- If In_and_out = 0 then Lightctrl += 1: If Lightctrl > 31 then Lightctrl = 31 End if If In_and_out = 1 then Lightctrl -= 1: If Lightctrl < 0 then Exit do End if Loop ' Removing our .BMP picture array safely so that we do not ' suffer any memory leaks upon exit! '--------------------------------------------------------------- AF2.RemoveSpr AFlib2pic ' And that is that!!! (^-^)v ! '----------------------------------------------------------