
Arrakis Screenshot

Author: Stefan Hendriks
Genre: Real-time Strategy Game
Reviewer: Pete
Size: 420 KB
Download: arrakis.exe

First Impression This program takes a while to load, but I soon found out that it was worth it! The graphics are good, but not perfect, and the game is pretty slow on my computer (but my PC is slow.. go figure). Other than that, this game is PERFECT!!! It's still in it's demo stages, and will likely improve, but I must say that this is one of the most impressive games I've ever seen in QB.
What It's Like Starcraft. Warcraft. It's a real-time strategy game where you build a little city, while protecting it from attackers (and attacking them yourself), and gathering resources to complete an objective. The objective in the first demo-level I played was to collect a certain amount of spices. (When the game is finished, there will be more levels, with different objectives.) The thing that impressed me the most was the engine and the AI in this game. The controls are just like War/Starcraft if you don't use the keyboard when you play. On the right side is the menu for selecting options and showing stats. This engine can handle the commands of all of your units at once, and keep track of them, like those two 'craft' games. The whole map is black unless you have made a unit go through that area. There are different terrains and features. Anyways, this game has a LOT of stuff. It's really cool!
Other things you should know The only problems that I've seen with this game (other than little, insignificant bugs) is the fact that the engine is slow. (It's understandable, because it is so complex and is keeping track of so many things, though.) Also, sometimes when you click, it is 'ignored', because the program is busy doing something else. The scrolling is a bit jerky too, but I don't have many problems with it, since it is in QB and it is a demo.

Arrakis Screenshot

The rating
Graphics The graphics are far from being perfect. Very far. The reason that I'm giving them five stars is because the animation is awesome. The land looks good, and the buildings look good also. The quality of the units is not as good, especially the foot soldiers, and the general layout and colors are good.
Sound Sorry, I don't know if there is or isn't sound because I'm reviewing this after a hacker has hacked me and 'broken' my sound. My speakers don't work whatsoever. :( It really sucks. Anyways, if there was sound, I wouldn't hear it.
Flexibility/Features Perfect! This game is jam-packed full of features and extras. Everything from the semi-random, semi-AI based enemy attacks to the way the spice harvesting trucks harvest all of the spice in one area, they move on to the next area. This game rocks in this category. A lot.
Gameplay/Control You use the mouse. It works good, but it's slow. Sometimes you have to click more than once, because the first time or two it doesn't 'pick it up'. You scroll the viewing area by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen you want to scroll in. You select by clicking the left button, and unselect by clicking the right button. The control is reminiscent of Warcraft or Starcraft, and is intuitive. Anyways, this would be good if the engine was faster, or I had a faster computer. :)
Overall Impression This game is almost perfect. It's complicated, therefore slow. But it's very fun. As far as I'm concerned, this game is the best strategy game every made for QB, and is very, very nice.
19/20 * 5 =

Arrakis Screenshot