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NEW DirectQB! Assitance needed!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:02 pm
by Zamaster

Im looking for anybody who is interested in helping for that would really speed up the proccess! This one however will have full 3D support! (already have a "polyfill" routine for this one :D, but not much else)

Obviously, It will run in the desired high res screen mode(640x480,800x600,1024x768) and hopefully 24 bit colors (so far only 256)

Another added feature will be image/sprite rotation, scaling, transparency(Uh not quite sure how that will work...)

And best of all !!!SOUND!!! (tada), This the one area I need the most assitance in (It's also the one area I havent touched :()!

As well as plenty of other disply routines and 3D collision and so on and so forth.

This isnt one of those dying projects because im already a good bit into it!

So all assitance would be majorly appreciated!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:37 am
by ShadowWolf
okay Z!re hasn't said anything so i guess it up to me to be the voic of reason.

this looks like more vaporware to me if Zamaster really had the ablity to pull this off he would have shown a demo of it in work or atleast screen shots.

his post even shows he doesn't have even a basic work model yet he making claims of grander of what it will have. this is the same kind of stuff we have all seen before like the great 3d rpg what will be made in pure QB lol or a true QB os that will have a build in 3d lib and sockets ect ect.

one pice of advice to anyone if you do plan on make a big project don't blow any creditablity you have by first posting about your project before your even at a demo stage.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:18 pm
by Zamaster
Ok, cause your too thick to figure it out on your own: The Library is one unified block of commands and though I say "seperated into sections" thats just for better organization. All of the commands are first being done in QB. After one "section" is finished it gets re-written in assembly and then into and .obj file. Are you pleased? Oh yeah and some code just because your soooo sure of what this(I would include a screen shot but I cant figure out how the whole html(img) tag works).

Piece of sprite rotation code(all samples will be posted incomplete)

Code: Select all

FOR rad% = 1 TO maxrad%
FOR i% = 1 TO 360
ox! = COS(i% * (PI / 180)) * ((maxrad% + 1) - rad%)
oy! = SIN(i% * (PI / 180)) * ((maxrad% + 1) - rad%)
n% = i% + inc%
IF n% > 360 THEN n% = n% - 360
nx! = COS(n% * (PI / 180)) * ((maxrad% + 1) - rad%)
ny! = SIN(n% * (PI / 180)) * ((maxrad% + 1) - rad%)
IF i% <> 1 THEN PSET (87 + nx!, 87 + ny!), POINT(58 + ox!, 58 + oy!)
NEXT rad%
PSET (87, 87), POINT(58, 58)
inc% = inc% + 15
IF inc% > 360 THEN inc% = 1
Polyfill routine for the 3D engine

Code: Select all

x1% = Points%(lp%, 0): y1% = Points%(lp%, 1)
x2% = Points%(hp%, 0): y2% = Points%(hp%, 1)

IF x2% < x1% THEN
XDir% = -1
dx% = x1% - x2%
XDir% = 1
dx% = x2% - x1%
dy% = y2% - y1%
x% = x1%
y% = y1%
FillTo%(y%, csd%) = x%
IF dx% > dy% THEN
Ek% = 2 * dy% - dx%
Dn% = Ek% + dx%
Dp% = Ek% - dx%
FOR cnt% = 1 TO dx%
oy% = y%
x% = x% + XDir%
IF Ek% < 0 THEN
Ek% = Ek% + Dn%
Ek% = Ek% + Dp%
y% = y% + 1
IF y% <> oy% THEN FillTo%(y% - 1, csd%) = x% - XDir%
NEXT cnt%
FillTo%(y%, csd%) = x%
Ek% = 2 * dx% - dy%
Dn% = Ek% + dy%
Dp% = Ek% - dy%
FOR cnt% = 1 TO dy%
ox% = x%
y% = y% + 1
IF Ek% < 0 THEN
Ek% = Ek% + Dn%
Ek% = Ek% + Dp%
x% = x% + XDir%
FillTo%(y%, csd%) = x%
NEXT cnt%
FillTo%(y%, csd%) = x%

So there you go, hate to ruin your attempt of shooting me down. Sorry :wink:.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:30 am
by SBM Productions
I'd have to suggest you design some XMS memory handling routines for the pictures and stuff..nobody can use EMS anymore.