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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:07 pm
by davey
I am having trouble reading the mouse inputs. It seems that after there has been a mouse click, the mouse has to be read (_MOUSEINPUT) a number of times before it will know that there is no more input i.e. before it will go back to zero. This is most evident if the mouse is moved - it may have to be read 100 times before it resets to zero.

In the following test code, it works as long as the mouse is not moved, although sometimes requires 2 or 3 loops to reset. If the mouse is moved between clicks, it can require over 100 loops.


DO WHILE INKEY$ = "" ' <--- hit any key to exit

PRINT "Do your thing here. mi = ", mi, c

DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT < 0 'mi < 0 ' <--- LET THE MOUSE "RECOVER" TO ZERO!!! Or it won't work if mouse moves
c = c + 1 ' <--- To prove it, count how many times it loops before going to zero
_DELAY 0.1 ' <-- Even with a delay, it still needs many loops, especially if mouse has been moved between clicks


PRINT "mouse button up", c
c = 0: mi = 0
_DELAY .5 ' <--Slow the whole thing down so you can read it

PRINT c, "exit"

Also, the first time through the IF statement, the input is always -1, even though the mouse has not been clicked.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Re: _MOUSEINPUT problem

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:56 pm
by burger2227
Best to not read _MOUSEINPUT until the loop stops. It will read -1 until all mouse input stops so a WHILE or UNTIL loop will keep looping until it does stop.

Best way to read a button held down is to just read it every loop so that you can also read button presses after every read.

Code: Select all

i = _MOUSEINPUT 'allows reads of all functions and keeps button history that is lost when it becomes 0.
LOOP UNTIL b = 0  
If moves are your main concern then use other kinds of loops. Only use _MOUSEINPUT UNTIL or WHILE to catch up.

Also use _LIMIT 100 or so to slow down loops as _DELAY stops everything!

Use our WIKI:

Re: _MOUSEINPUT problem

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:21 pm
by davey
Thank you! That (plus the Wiki) helped immensely.

I have changed my code to the following and it works perfectly (even if the mouse is moved around):

DO 'main program loop
DO WHILE _MOUSEINPUT 'check mouse status
DO WHILE b1 'check for button release
Click = 1

IF Click = 1 THEN PRINT "CLICK" ' (this is where you do your thing; could be a GOSUB)
Click = 0: b1 = 0 'reset where needed
LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" ' press any key to quit

I will keep this as an example.

Re: _MOUSEINPUT problem

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:06 pm
by burger2227
If you want to verify a click at a program's button position then you can verify the x and y positions both before and after the button release to verify it much like Windows allows a user to move off a position to cancel an press operation.