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Screenshots in QB or DOS

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:16 pm
by coma8coma1
I've always been able to take screenshots of my QB games in screen 13 by hitting the Print Screen key and then opening pbrush and hitting Ctrl+V. For instance, my character from DSQ is my avatar and I captured him on an old Compaq running Win95 years ago.

This machine, running WinXP doesn't let me. I've tried several screen shot programs as well and none seem to work. What am I doing wrong??

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:52 pm
by burger2227
Try this SUB procedure for Screen 13 that creates a bitmap screenshot:

Code: Select all

SUB EightBIT (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, Filename$)   'SCREEN 13 bitmap maker
                                                 'takes 1 second fullscreen
  DIM FileCOLORS%(1 TO 768)
  DIM Colors8%(255)

  IF INSTR(Filename$, ".BMP") = 0 THEN
    Filename$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(Filename$, 8)) + ".BMP"

  FileTYPE$ = "BM"
  Reserved1% = 0
  Reserved2% = 0
  OffsetBITS& = 1078
  InfoHEADER& = 40
  PictureWIDTH& = (x2% - x1%) + 1
  PictureDEPTH& = (y2% - y1%) + 1
  NumPLANES% = 1
  BPP% = 8
  Compression& = 0
  WidthPELS& = 3780
  DepthPELS& = 3780
  NumCOLORS& = 256

  IF PictureWIDTH& MOD 4 <> 0 THEN
  ZeroPAD$ = SPACE$(4 - PictureWIDTH& MOD 4)

  ImageSIZE& = (PictureWIDTH& + LEN(ZeroPAD$)) * PictureDEPTH&
  FileSize& = ImageSIZE& + OffsetBITS&

  OUT &H3C7, 0
  FOR n = 1 TO 768 STEP 3
    FileCOLORS%(n) = INP(&H3C9)
    FileCOLORS%(n + 1) = INP(&H3C9)
    FileCOLORS%(n + 2) = INP(&H3C9)
  NEXT n

  OPEN Filename$ FOR BINARY AS #1

  PUT #1, , FileTYPE$
  PUT #1, , FileSize&
  PUT #1, , Reserved1% 'should be zero
  PUT #1, , Reserved2% 'should be zero
  PUT #1, , OffsetBITS&
  PUT #1, , InfoHEADER&
  PUT #1, , PictureWIDTH&
  PUT #1, , PictureDEPTH&
  PUT #1, , NumPLANES%
  PUT #1, , BPP%
  PUT #1, , Compression&
  PUT #1, , ImageSIZE&
  PUT #1, , WidthPELS&
  PUT #1, , DepthPELS&
  PUT #1, , NumCOLORS&
  PUT #1, , SigCOLORS&     '51 to 54

  u$ = " "
  FOR n% = 1 TO 768 STEP 3  'PUT as BGR order colors
    Colr$ = CHR$(FileCOLORS%(n% + 2) * 4)
    PUT #1, , Colr$
    Colr$ = CHR$(FileCOLORS%(n% + 1) * 4)
    PUT #1, , Colr$
    Colr$ = CHR$(FileCOLORS%(n%) * 4)
    PUT #1, , Colr$
    PUT #1, , u$ 'Unused byte
  NEXT n%

  FOR y = y2% TO y1% STEP -1   'place bottom up
    FOR x = x1% TO x2%
      a$ = CHR$(POINT(x, y))
      Colors8%(ASC(a$)) = 1
      PUT #1, , a$
    NEXT x
    PUT #1, , ZeroPAD$
  NEXT y

  FOR n = 0 TO 255
    IF Colors8%(n) = 1 THEN SigCOLORS& = SigCOLORS& + 1
  NEXT n

  PUT #1, 51, SigCOLORS&

  CLOSE #1

Code adapted from a routine by Bob Seguin.

In your MAIN module SUB call:

You can use a certain keypress to trigger a snapshot of the screen.

The filename can just be the first name as SUB will add ".BMP" if needed. You could also add a snapshot number to the name for more bitmaps. Screen 13 does it pretty fast.

x1 and x2 can be from 0 to 319, y1 and y2 from 0 to 199 respectively.

I also have a SUB for SCREEN 12 that may take up to 8 seconds to create a fullscreen snapshot.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:59 pm
by coma8coma1
oh man that's great! I'll give it try later and then maybe I can post some better screen shots of my project I'm working on. Right now the only recent screenshots I have were done with a digital camera where I took pictures of the screen! lol

thanks again. i'll give it a try later tonight or tomorrow. :)