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Graphic help!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:37 am
by SkinHead
Hey i know a lot of Q-basic commands but i need help on graphics.Is there any tutorial about graphic that is for complete newbies on that subject?I mean from dot to masterpice=).

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:49 am
by Z!re
Do you mean how to draw a masterpiece?

Or you want to know the graphic commands?

Noone can tell you how to draw something, you have to figure most of it out yourself. Ofcourse you can get guidelines.

I'm too lazy to type out the gfx commands, if you want them, let me know and I'll do it. But I'm not sure thats what you mean so...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:57 am
by SkinHead
Lets say that i want to learn commands with examples.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:28 pm
by Pete
Here are more than 100 graphics tutorials, covering all aspects of graphics programming in QB: ... l#Graphics

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:58 pm
by Z!re
Very immature nickname btw. Pffft...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:07 pm
by SkinHead
What is immature in it?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:56 pm
by pyrodap
I dont like it when people's heads are nude.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:02 pm
by Guest
Did i ask for ur opinion?i didnt get here to fork socialize.I just asked question,just answer no comments.remember i am an-ti-so-ci-al.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:04 pm
by Z!re
What Pyrodap said.

Oh and a special note, just for you:
fork off asshole.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:17 pm
by SkinHead
OI!Who started it first?I just asked question if u want u can answer it if you dont want then DONT!Ok?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:27 pm
by Z!re
You started it, you're name is immature.

Pyrodap explained why he thought so, and you insulted us both.

Expect no help if you keep acting like a retarded assmonkey. Grow up.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:33 pm
by SkinHead
U started it with immature nick thing.It is my thing,how will i set my nickname,not urs.So fork off,u grow up i am 22.If u are so matture then u shoud know that skinhead movement is not only nazi but back in 1978 when skinheads liten to SKA and Regge.U ashoole.After 26 years u didnt learn.[/quote]

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:50 pm
by pyrodap
hey i like this guy. it's so fun to laugh it people like him...


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:05 pm
by Z!re
Yes, and ofcourse saying that your rasist nickname is immature means you can insult me. I appologize, please insult me, you have shown me the light. Please forgive me, I'm so stupid.

Ofcourse you shall set your nickname as you want, in-fact, I'll saulte the, I shall raise my hand hig, and slam my heels whenever i see you! *SIEG HE... NO MOR NIG...* right...

I'm 19, you're still an immature asshole.

Skinhead is a rasist movement, saying it's not is like saying the Nazi cross is really the symbol for the rising sun (which it was, but it no longer symbolize that)

And where did you get 26 from?, pulled it out your ass?

I do hope you understand what I'm saying, I couldnt find my english->retarded american dictionary. Sorry. Please forgive me.

Oh, and: "u stpiud fork! fork off, u grow up"

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:25 pm
by MystikShadows
Well I didn't want to get mixed in this...but this is getting out of hand. If you guys have any "obvious" issues to settle...and I don't wanna hear that you don't....take it into private messages, or outside this forum.

This ain't the place to throw insults at each other and call yourselves names. I"m sure that's not why Pete created this forum.

For what it's worth. What does it matter what a name means or stands for? the guy came here looking for help on QB. So how did it get to this? you know?

So please guys. Take it outside this forum, I don't come here to read stuff like this.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:40 pm
by Mech
if anything, i'm more mad at pryo than anyone. have you ever heard of thumbnails?! daaaamn. your signature is bigger than my aunt nancy, and she's a size 42!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:32 pm
by pyrodap
maybe i should shrink it a bit - what do you guys think? too big pete?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:10 pm
by Z!re
I like it...

Just the right size on 1280x1024 : :D

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:16 am
by SkinHead
Well,i am not nazi skinhead i listen to regge and SKA.As you coud know the skinhead movment started 1978 that is apr.26.I didnt start first.You shoud think,ealryer then u say something.Maybe in USA u think every skinhead is nazi but that is not so.If i insulted u,then i am sorry,but u started it first.U insulted me 2,and if u are mature then apologize,i did.That is it.I just asked for help nothing else.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:29 pm
by Z!re
I have appologized for saying your nick is immature. But I still think it is.

And you didnt live in 1978.

I don't go around and say: Sieg heil, and have a swastika as my signature, hey!
I can say: "Say Hail" and have the symbol of the rising sun/good fortune if I want, it has nothing to do with nazis.

But I don't you know why?, because I'm mature enough not to feel a need to aggitate people by using stupid symbols that stand for things other then what they were originally.

And it was you who started it all, instead of explaining imediately, you said:
"Did i ask for ur opinion?i didnt get here to fork socialize.I just asked question,just answer no comments.remember i am an-ti-so-ci-al."

And it's not your thing how you set your nickname, there are rules you know. Like: Dont post offensive material.
Not everyone likes skinheads, in their current meaning.

Anyways, just change your nick, is it that hard?, you're not even a registered member, and if you only wanted an answer for your question why do you keep coming back?

I don't mind you coming here, infact I think it's good, the more the better, but if you're going to keep coming here, then you need to listen to what other people say. Or it will just end in everyone being pissed, possibly at you.