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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

:) So you like him for his skills? So, are you a Goodguy or badguy? :lol:

Hehe, I like Rattrap since he was funny and say nething, also a computer techy...

In the first series on FOX Kids, he and Cheetor were trying to teach apes science (Based on that they crashed on earth b4 humans, ecos on evolution tho, that show neway), Cheetor had the rock fastend to a rope, he was on physics what part can't remember.

hehe, Rattrap feeling funning whips out his blaster and shoots the rope dropping it on Cheetor's foot. Rattrap then look at the apes and said, "And that's gravty!" Meanwhile Cheetor is jumping around holding his foot (Mind there in robot form)

He almost went to the bad side in the last seriers he was in(now they have cars, not bad, but they don't have Rattrap!!!!), his new robot form had no guns and he felt useless, he finds out he's better off as a computer techy and helps out a lot there.. :wink:

Thats the layout on Rattrap since you typed that long one on Thrawn. :)
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo » way... :D

Ummm...I think he's a cool leader on the wrong side.

He was good at what he did and that was winning wars...and killing, devising strategies, exploiting a dark jedi which is accually a clone of a good one, also there's that cloning thing...He was busy.... :D
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

that killing part I could live without, hehe!! :wink:

What were about his ideas that the Empire threw him out? I could quite get that on the site.. :?: :)
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

What do you mean what were his ideas? You mean why was he sent to the outer rim?

It was because of his race. The Emperor had a prejudice against nonhumans and women. So they were hard to rise in rank. Since Thrawn was so good at his job, the emperor wanted to promote him, but sent him to the outer rim so he didn't look like a hyprocrit.
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

Right,... Must have read the site wrong,.. :wink:

Oh well, hay, got a QB 1,.. who puts (n) at the end of SLEEP,.. :( wait, I do... :lol: {replace n with number}
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo » what was the question? lol :lol:
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

:wink: Who does this:

Code: Select all

when you can do:

Code: Select all

but, wait, like I said, I do. :D ... it became like a habbit,.. darn Newbe tuts, they like putting crazy stuff n there to trick ya like,. oh well,. hehe! :D , it stuck with me for 2 1/2 years of programming,... () :wink:
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

he, he, that's just like me and me using the index: i for main FOR loops.
j for nested FOR loops
k for nested in that FOR loop
then (in order) , m, n, a, b (haven't gotten past here yet)

But all those stuck and will NEVER unstick though HS, though college, though my career, though my retirement, 'till I die! Heh...

But I know what you mean. :wink:
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

Yeah, like in Vic's tuts, he used press$ = INKEY$, I know it was just a variable, but since I learnd using press$, I have a hard time using anything else... :wink:

I wished Vic just used a$, my fingures would have liked that, hehe! :lol:
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

Hey, Hey, I use G$=INKEY$.

Where did I learn that?
In one of my LONG programs, it was accually a coin organizer database, I had a lot of INKEY$ so I just got use to G$, which my fingers love! :D

Oh, yeah anything in QB short of ASM I learned either in the half a year class (which was minimal), or on my own including INKEY$ and files.
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

Hehe,. G$, lucky you.. hehe I use BSAVE to create new files, txt,.. xtr(thats what I use for GFX, :wink: ) dat, and what ever else I can think of..

Now, I'm going to go look at your other post, then go load up my menu in QB,. just hope I can BSAVE it, :( , I had a time using MS Paint under 256 colors since the tool bar didn't adapt, it showed me one thing, and put somthing else on the feild,. oh well,. :wink: :D Wish me luck!!
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

good luck.... :D

I remember when I was doing the intro pic for my coin database, I only used QB! It took 500 lines of 3 PSETs per line...IT TOOK ME A WEEK TO FINSISH!!!!

Please tell me there are easier ways to make/store pics! :cry:
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

Inline DATA, I put this in the other thread, go read that. :wink: , the Web site one,

PS: It worked, but it didn't BSAVE, oh well, could puzzle it like I did my Logo, yes, the 1 I loaded with HTML I did in QB.. :wink: inline DATA,. really fast and easy once you get into it.. :D And great for textures!!!
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

Well I do inline data all the time....But people usually frown on me when I do.

They say use txt files instead so that when you make it an .EXE file you can change the data. Oh well...
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

Yeah like this...

Text file:

Code: Select all

In program:

Code: Select all

OPEN "file.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
  FOR y = 1 TO 10
    FOR x = 1 TO 10
      INPUT #1, z
      PSET (x, y), z
:wink: , you prob already knew that, but I feel like typing.. :D
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

Does your keyboard cry too when it sees you coming(MS Paint)?

Q: Whoes Rattrap again? I remember...very long ago when I was like 5, I watched a show(didn't get into it though). It had these robots that were like superheros and could change into cars too. I faintly remeber one of them, a short rat-like faced (insicers were hanging out, and eyebrows were a slanted) robot I think his name was Rattrap, am I right?
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »


Well, he, he, I was 5, or 6 too when I first saw it myself... I never got n2 it till I was 11, 12. somewhere there.. Fox cept playing all the reruns front 2 back over and over... I got into it and was hooked...

The one I saw.. they crash on earth b4 the Humans and right after to dinos,. and they take the shape of animals they scaned... the leader became a gorillia, I think the mechanic, or what ever he did became a Rhino,. then there was the wise-cracking computer techy who became a rat, Rattrap(or I remember him messing with comps, in the first one tho he did more feild combat with the predicons(I'll get to them..)) and there was Cheetor, him, he was combat I think..

Then the Preds, their leader bcame a T-Rex, I can't remember them all, bot there was a Dino bot, black wido,. and several others came over time, good and bad..

Well, the Maximals were studing the earth while they also fought off the preds... They also were in a race to find these crystals so they could get back to Cybertron... Who ever got them first would rule, put it blankly..

Thru sveral series, the Max's got to the crytalls first, they overpowerd the preds.. and they started back for their planet.. they won? no. in the next one I wacthed new as it came out,. they hit a warp tunnle lost control and the preds got home b4 them, and since they were in warp, the preds had full control in the 2nd 1 befor they got there.. so..

end the end, the maxs over come and learn that their mechanical planet was once organic, (they had took organic creature modes on arival and had to learn to use them, Rattrap had the hardest time, and when he transformed he fond he had no weaprionty) Rattrap does have a tip on his tail that alows him to crack comps. (crack not hack if I remember, hacking is mechanical, cracking refers to comps,. I might be wrong tho)

He did try to make a deal with the preds to go bad for some guns but went aganst it end the end, somehow he used the deal to backfire on the preds I think,.. how I don't remember...

They now have the car 1, great, but it really lacks the adventure of the first 2, the Maxs rule right off, they never have to over come much, boring so to speek, and the gfx lag in compo of the first 2.. oh well,. that all you want to know?? :wink:

Think I might use Rattrap as my avatar,... I know how to get some cool pics of him.. :D
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

Thats sounds a little familiar, but all I remeber is a few images.

Oh, yeah:
--Hack is when you break programs and get places where your not ment to be.
--Crack is the sound a computer makes when you break it...I believe your familiar with that already(monitor, poor R2D2). It is opptionaly used as when you finished the hacking you say you've cracked it.
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Post by Rattrapmax6 »

I was reading in robotis that ppl often confuse cracking with Hacking and that hacking would be to mess with the circiuts themselfs, (brake down a old VCR for robo parts would be hacking)

cracking is tru program,. like Pete thought what happen to his site, if that was the case, it would be Cracked not Hacked as many were using, I might be wrong still, been awhile since I read it...
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Post by Mitth'raw'nuruodo »

:shock: Wait! Your going to hack Pete's site?!?!

kiddin'. :lol:

Sorry Pete.

Link to a dictionary:
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