[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php on line 264: mysqli_fetch_assoc(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/db/driver/mysqli.php on line 326: mysqli_free_result(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result
Pete's QBASIC Site Discuss QBasic, Freebasic, QB64 and more 2022-03-06T16:02:21-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/app.php/feed/topic/14884 2022-03-06T16:02:21-05:00 2022-03-06T16:02:21-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39250#p39250 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]> Statistics: Posted by MikeHawk — Sun Mar 06, 2022 4:02 pm

2022-03-03T16:15:05-05:00 2022-03-03T16:15:05-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39248#p39248 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]>

I loaded it up on my IBM XT and ran it off a 360Kb floppy and then off the CF hard drive (MFM drive is sticking so I wasn't able to try that today... need to go in and manually spin it a few times to get it going again).

Off a 360Kb floppy, it took around 7-8 seconds to start. Off the CF card, it started in just under 2 seconds. Those times are with using the compiled EXE file.

Here's a pic of it running on my XT using the /mono flag. The picture doesn't really do the screen justice. It looks much better in person.

Statistics: Posted by Erik — Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:15 pm

2022-02-26T21:33:22-05:00 2022-02-26T21:33:22-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39247#p39247 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]>
Here's everything that I changed in version 1.1:
- Only accept guess if it's in the dictionary
- Don't register key used to close menu as game input
- Can give up round by pressing [Esc]
- Optimized dictionary (~4.5kb smaller)
- Improved monochrome display mode

Updated binaries and source are both available on the website.

Statistics: Posted by Ham62 — Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:33 pm

2022-02-24T09:43:43-05:00 2022-02-24T09:43:43-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39244#p39244 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]> Statistics: Posted by MikeHawk — Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:43 am

2022-02-24T03:39:07-05:00 2022-02-24T03:39:07-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39243#p39243 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]>
The only thing I was concerned with the word lookup would be how fast it's gonna run on an 8088 (that was my initial benchmark for getting this to run). If I do add it I'll probably just pre-sort the whole text file that way it won't rely on having to sort it when it loads initially.

I'll also need to check how the load time for that is off the 360k diskette drive, but I'm thinking worst case scenario I could probably make some changes to the .dat file so I could just load the whole thing in a single GET # command.

Fun fact: the word list I'm using was actually the original Wordle word-set from before New York Times changed the dictionary! I originally considered adding the day counter like they had so that I could sync up with past words from there, but the random word selection seemed more fun in the end.

Statistics: Posted by Ham62 — Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:39 am

2022-02-23T10:17:11-05:00 2022-02-23T10:17:11-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39241#p39241 <![CDATA[Re: WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]>
In GetWord$, use the file size to obtain the number of words in the dictionary rather than using a hard-coded value (so words can be added or removed without modifying the program.)

Allow the player to give up by pressing escape (ASCII code 27.) It should only be a matter of converting GetGuess to a function (when it returns -1, leave the "for" loop as if all attempts were made, so we get to see the word and have the "play again" prompt.)

Now for the tricky part: Wordle only allows the user to input existing words, while your version allows completely random letter sequences. It is possible to test the input word against the dictionary with a binary search (it's super fast but requires the word list to be alphabetically ordered.) It would be preferable to store the whole dictionary in memory to make the search faster while it will obviously increase the initial loading time so I understand if you don't want that.

I did some legwork if you're interested...


DEFINT A-ZDECLARE FUNCTION openlist% (filename AS STRING)DECLARE FUNCTION wordIndex% (myWord AS STRING)REDIM SHARED wordLst(0) AS STRING * 5DIM user AS STRING, id AS INTEGERPRINT "Loading list..."IF (NOT openlist%("words.dat")) THEN PRINT "Something went wrong": END' picking a random word from the list...PRINT "picking a random word: "; CHR$(34); wordLst(INT(RND * (UBOUND(wordLst) + 1))); CHR$(34)' testing user input (only accept existing words)DO  INPUT "Guess a word:", user  IF LEN(user) THEN    id = wordIndex%(user)    IF (id < 0) THEN      PRINT "This word is not in the dictionary"    ELSE      PRINT "This word is index #"; id    END IF  ELSE    EXIT DO  END IFLOOP' Open word list. The list MUST be formatted and orderly; if not, the routine' will handle that for you and update the file so it loads faster next time.' Users can add (or remove) words from the list. In a perfect world, we should' make sure there's enough memory available to store the dictionary and also' verify data integrity (so only words with characters in range A-Z are ok'd.)FUNCTION openlist% (filename AS STRING)  DIM ff AS INTEGER, update AS INTEGER, tmp as string * 5  DIM count AS INTEGER, offset AS INTEGER, max AS INTEGER, hiRef AS INTEGER   ' open file  ff = FREEFILE  OPEN filename FOR INPUT AS #ff  ' file size should be multiple of 7 (doesn't guarantee data integrity)  IF (LOF(ff) MOD 7) THEN    CLOSE #ff    EXIT FUNCTION  END IF  ' resize word array  REDIM wordLst(LOF(ff) \ 7 - 1) AS STRING * 5  ' store all in uppercase, then close file  FOR i% = 0 TO UBOUND(wordLst)    INPUT #ff, tmp    wordLst(i%) = ucase$(tmp)  NEXT i%  CLOSE #ff  ' now make sure they are alphabetically sorted, this can take a while  ' depending on the number of words and how disorderly the list is.  count = UBOUND(wordLst) + 1  offset = count \ 2  DO WHILE offset    max = count - offset - 1    DO      hiRef = 0      FOR i% = 0 TO max        IF (wordLst(i%) > wordLst(i% + offset)) THEN          SWAP wordLst(i%), wordLst(i% + offset)          update = -1          hiRef = i%        END IF      NEXT i%      max = hiRef - offset    LOOP WHILE hiRef    offset = offset \ 2  LOOP  ' list had to be sorted, re-save so it loads faster next time  IF update THEN    OPEN filename FOR OUTPUT AS #ff    FOR i% = 0 TO UBOUND(wordLst)      PRINT #ff, wordLst(i%)    NEXT i%    CLOSE #ff  END IF  ' all done  openlist% = -1END FUNCTION' Binary search. It's much faster than a linear search (one entry after the' other) but it requires the array to be alphabetically ordered. This function' returns the index of the word within the wordLst() array. If the word cannot' be found, this function returns -1.FUNCTION wordIndex% (myWord AS STRING)  DIM search AS STRING, cueLo AS INTEGER, cueHi AS INTEGER, cueMid AS INTEGER  search = UCASE$(myWord) ' make sure the input is formatted  cueHi = UBOUND(wordLst) ' upper boundary  wordIndex% = -1         ' assume the word doesn't exist  DO WHILE (cueLo <= cueHi)    cueMid = (cueLo + cueHi) \ 2 ' test central word    SELECT CASE wordLst(cueMid)    CASE IS < search      cueLo = cueMid + 1 ' word must be in the 2nd half    CASE IS > search      cueHi = cueMid - 1 ' word must be in the 1st half    CASE ELSE      wordIndex% = cueMid ' found it!      EXIT FUNCTION    END SELECT  LOOPEND FUNCTION

Statistics: Posted by MikeHawk — Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:17 am

2022-02-23T04:05:20-05:00 2022-02-23T04:05:20-05:00 http://petesqbsite.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=39240#p39240 <![CDATA[WorDOSle -- Wordle for DOS made in QB!]]>
Introducing WorDOSle!
This is a clone of the popular web game Wordle but written in QuickBASIC for DOS.
Now you can finally play Wordle on your Tandy 1000 or that old 286 sitting in the closet!

All in all, the game is just over 300 lines and was written in a single afternoon.
I made the game using QuickBASIC PDS 7.1, but it should run on QB45, or even QBasic if you comment out the COMMAND$ line.

Source available on my website:
WorDOSle Win.png

Statistics: Posted by Ham62 — Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:05 am
